These are events aimed to unite Chernihiv IT community.
Cool speakers, relevant topics, modern technologies – it’s all here.
We always have a positive atmosphere, maximum networking, new acquaintances and interesting partners!
Learn more about our conferences:
The first international conference about technologies in support of Chernihiv.
In 2021 we held the first conference on business in IT in Chernihiv - Chernihiv.IT BUSINESS. Among the speakers are the TOP companies of Chernihiv.IT. More than 150 participants are guests.
On October 26, 2019, the event of the year took place without exaggeration for the Chernihiv IT community and not only - Chernihiv.IT Conference - Manage IT, organized by the Chernihiv IT cluster. They talked about the topical issues - aspects of project management, product approach and its features, successful implementation of projects, Agile and more. ...
On May 25, 2019, the second Chernihiv.IT Conference was held, organized by the Chernihiv.IT team. Reports on technical areas for the Chernihiv IT community were presented in the development edition format. Experienced speakers from different parts of Ukraine came to the conference and shared their knowledge, cases and practices: ...
On September 15, Chernihiv IT Cluster held the first Chernihiv.IT Conference. We have invited class speakers who are ready to share their experiences, practical cases and answer your questions. The conference was interesting and useful not only for developers, but also for project managers, ...