This is a training program in an intensive format for students and others interested. It is realized during the holiday period to deepen knowledge in IT field, as well as for networking, development and self-improvement.
earn more about training programs that have already taken place:

Chernihiv.IT ProsvITa 2020 - summer edition
The world around us is changing, and adaptability is becoming a must-have skill of today. Given the situation, the Chernihiv IT cluster conducted the summer program ProsvITa 2020 online - every Thursday during July and August, specialists of Chernihiv IT companies shared their knowledge and d ...

Chernihiv.IT ProsvITa 2020 - winter edition
During the winter holidays on January 27-31, 2020, the fourth ProsvITa training program organized by the Chernihiv IT cluster took place. During this time we understood the current areas of the IT industry, talked about the opportunities and prospects for the development of a specialist in an IT company. Started from the day of HR. Students learned how ...

Chernihiv.IT ProsvITa 2019 - summer edition
On June 24-27, 2019, the Chernihiv IT cluster conducted another ProsvITa training program for ChNTU students. This time the training took place in the format of thematic days: Development day, Project Management day, Business Analysis day, HR day. Every day was full of interesting and useful reports, cases and practices ....

Chernihiv.IT ProsvITa February 2019
The ProsvITa winter educational program for ChNTU students took place. This time Chernihiv.IT has expanded the range of speakers and invited not only members of the Cluster. We hope to strengthen such ties in the future. We want students to be more motivated and active, because it all depends on your desire to learn, develop ...

Chernihiv.IT ProsvITa July 2018
In July 2018, the Chernihiv IT Cluster in cooperation with [ChNTU] ( launched the ProsvITa training program. During the week, students had the opportunity to get acquainted with a wide range of IT areas, understand what is the IT industry from the inside and what awaits them in the future when they start looking for work. Speakers ...