The last Saturday of October became the day of a fierce battle between 15 teams of young programming geniuses. IT championships were popular worldwide, so we at Chernihiv.IT organized a similar event for students every six months. This time the task was to develop a food delivery API.
By the way, this year’s Olympiad was unique in terms of the participants, having involved not only Chernihiv Polytechnic National University students, but also schoolers and even guests from other regions! We liked it, so we plan to expand the audience and scale up our favorite educational project.
“BitHack” and “Cats Engineers” teams took I and II places respectively. Being Chernihiv university students, they would receive monthly scholarships of 1000 UAH from us for half a year. “Underfined Team” from Ternopil also showed a very cool result and took III place. Our IT experts from Valtech Ukraine appreciated the boys’ work and already sent them a surprise from the company. In turn, SendPulse liked “Juniors Minus!” girls team and presented a certificate for 1500 UAH at ROZETKA. Besides scholarships, “Cats Engineers” would also receive a certificate for 1500 UAH at Dots Platform brandshop for realizing the idea of delivery via a chatbot. And “ReadMe” team may wait for a special gift from Olympiad organizers, since these high schoolers impressed us much with their code.